Becoming a teen in the 4‑H program opens up a whole new set of opportunities. Read more below about the groups and activities available at the club, county, state, and national levels.
Club Level
Teen Leadership Project
A 4‑H teen leadership project is for 4‑H members in grades 8 and up who enroll in a leadership project as a part of their club project area or through the 4‑H Teen/Senior Council in their county. 4‑H members work with their 4‑H leader and/or county 4‑H staff to develop a plan of action for the project. The project, which could range from teaching club members a new skill to training new club officers or planning an event, is evaluated throughout the year and recorded in the Teen Leadership Project Record Book.
County Level
4‑H Teen/Senior Council
Most counties have a teen group that provides support for county-wide 4‑H programming. The group also allows teens to meet and interact with teens from other 4‑H clubs from throughout the county.
4‑H Ambassador Program
Some counties have 4‑H Ambassadors who serve as 4‑H member representatives of the 4‑H program. They speak on behalf of the larger membership whose purpose is to promote 4‑H to youth, parents, potential leaders, donors, and the general public.
Regional Level
South Jersey Teen Conference
The South Jersey 4‑H Teen Conference is an annual event that bring 4‑H members in grades 8–13 together to practice leadership, citizenship, and cooperation and are coordinated by the 4‑H Youth Development Program as a youth-adult partnership with youth working directly with 4‑H staff to plan and conduct the conference. There is a cost to participate.
Discover the Leader in You! Leadership Conference
The Discover the Leader in You! 4‑H Leadership Conference is for 4‑H members in grades 6–8. While attending the conference, middle school youth will have fun, meet new friends, and develop leadership and personal development skills that they can utilize at home, in school, in their 4‑H club, and in their community.
State Level
4‑H Pollinator Habitat Ambassador Program
Pollinator species populations have been declining in recent years. The loss of pollinators threatens more than $180 million in the state's pollinator-dependent crops, such as apples and blueberries. New Jersey 4‑H, in partnership with several community organizations, will be establishing pollinator gardens and recruiting and training teens like YOU to become Pollinator Habitat Ambassadors. Our goal is to help Teen Pollinator Habitat Ambassadors to educate more than 250 younger youth about the important of pollinators in our state over the next year.
Igniting Your Leadership Potential - Certificate in Leadership Development
Igniting Your Leadership Potential Certificate in Leadership Development is a series of online leadership courses offered by the NJ 4‑H Youth Development Program and taught by 4-H faculty. Youth in grades 8–13 can register for a variety of courses that will provide opportunities to learn about leadership, gain knowledge, sharpen their skills, and prepare to lead. Youth can earn a badge for each course completed and a certificate in Leadership Development after completing four online courses.
Leadership for Life Program
New Jersey 4‑H members in grades 9-11 who are members in good standing are invited to participate in a multi-level leadership program called the Leadership for Life Program.
Adopted from Ireland's youth development program Foróige, the Leadership for Life Program is based on theories and principles of youth work, leadership development and leadership styles.
Offered in three sequential modules, this program is aimed at equipping young people to explore their vision and passion and to develop such key skills as: planning, decision making, critical thinking, goal setting, and problem solving.
State 4‑H goLEAD Youth Leadership Institute
The NJ State 4‑H goLEAD Youth Leadership Institute for 4‑H members in grades 6–8 will be held in July. While attending the conference, middle school youth will build their leadership skills and learn how to plan and conduct service activities in their community.
State 4‑H Public Presentations
State 4‑H Public Presentations provide an opportunity for 4‑H members to compete on the state level with 4‑H members from around New Jersey at Rutgers University each June. Each participant must be a 4‑H member enrolled in 8–13th grade and have received an excellent rating on their presentation at the county level.
National Level
Citizenship Washington Focus
Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) is a 4‑H citizenship and leadership program for youth ages 14–19 who come from across America to the National 4‑H Youth Conference Center near Washington, D.C. each summer. This competitive opportunity—youth must apply to be delegates from their state—is a week-long program that enriches young people's lives through activities that broaden their appreciation and respect for themselves and others, including leadership, citizenship and an understanding of the political process. There is a cost to participate, however some counties provide financial support for this event.
Ignite by 4‑H
Spark your imagination and passion! Ignite by 4‑H is an inclusive teen event held in Washington, D.C. for four days of inspiring and engaging panels, respected speakers, workshop sessions, entertainment and creating amazing connections. Explore the best 4‑H has to offer in STEM, Agriscience, Healthy Living and Emotional Well-Being. Discover exciting career paths and create an actionable plan to help create real change in your community. It's an experience you won't want to miss!
Leadership Washington Focus
Leadership Washington Focus (LWF) is a brand new 4‑H leadership program for middle school youth. Youth from across the nation will be participating in this event held in mid July at the National 4‑H Youth Conference Center in Chevy Chase, Maryland. The program will provide an opportunity for youth to listen to motivational speakers and participate in workshops that will develop communication skills, increase leadership capacity and build lifetime skills.
National 4‑H Conference
National 4‑H Conference, held each spring in Chevy Chase, MD at the National 4‑H Center, provides an opportunity for 4‑H members to become acquainted with government, meet with federal representatives, enhance leadership skills and provide feedback on the 4‑H Youth Development Program. Youth must apply to be part of their state's delegation. There is a cost to participate, however some counties provide financial support for this event.
National 4‑H Congress
The National 4‑H Congress experience, held in Atlanta, GA each November, provides an opportunity for 4‑H members from the across the nation to come together and learn about community involvement, cultural diversity, and service to others while meeting new friends. Youth must apply to be part of their state's delegation. There is a cost to participate, however some counties provide financial support for this event.