Volunteer Resources for Virtual Engagement

- The History of 4-H! Kahoot for clubs to use, created by Aleicia Zhu.
- A Reflection on the Science from Home 4-H Club.
- Resources for leaders using Kahoot Features (YouTube link), presented by Laura Eppinger, Salem County 4-H.
- How to use Kahoot (YouTube link), presented by Andrew Valdes, Monmouth 4-H Volunteer.
- Mentimeter training video for volunteers (YouTube link), presented by Laura Bovitz and Matthew Newman, 4-H Agents.
- How to use anonymous doodle polls to hold officer elections (YouTube link), presented by Amelia Valente, Ocean County 4-H Program Associate.
- Fun games for virtual meetings (YouTube video), presented by Lisa Rothenburger, Somerset County 4-H Agent.
- Interactive 4-H zoom meetings (YouTube link), presented by Ben Clawson, Lindley G. Cook 4-H Camp Director.
- 10 No Tech Ways to Engage Youth in Virtual 4-H Meetings (YouTube link), Rachel Lyons, Department of 4-H Youth Development Head.