The New Jersey Department of 4‑H Youth Development's 4‑H Global and Cultural Engagement Programs exemplify the "learn by doing" approach that 4‑H is known for in the Garden State. New Jersey 4‑H's Global and Cultural Engagement Programs are conducted by Rutgers 4‑H Youth Development faculty and staff.
New Jersey 4‑H offers youth and their families across the state ways to grow in cultural awareness, understand international issues, think globally, and gain knowledge about the world through exchange programs that include both hosting, travelling abroad, and participating in real-time, interactive virtual exchanges with international youth.
- The 4‑H Global Explorers program focuses on helping youth build global and cultural awareness through exploration and travel.
- Leadership for Life - an annual program for New Jersey 4-H members aged 14-18 who are members in good standing. Members complete three leadership modules (10-15 hours per module) of educational workshops with an advanced module of a 9-day travel experience to the Foróige Leadership for Life Conference in Ireland in July.
- 4‑H Globetasters - A virtual Cultural Cuisine S.T.E.P. Club where youth learn how to cook various dishes from around the world.
- 4‑H Global Food Security Task Force - A 4‑H preparatory program leading up to the Global Youth World Food Prize. Open to New Jersey high school age teens. This program meets virtually on a weekly basis January – March where youth explore issues in global food security and work with mentors to develop a research paper outlining possible solutions.
- 4‑H Junior Explorers! - A program for youth 10-13 years old who meet youth from other countries and learn about their culture while sharing about the US.
- A Night Abroad - A 1.5-hour program for families to learn from 4‑H leaders and/or parents who are from another country.
- 4‑H T.R.A.I.L. (Teen Russian/American International Leadership Program) - In person exchanges between Russia and NJ 4‑H for teens 17-19.
- 4‑HICUP (4‑H International Camp United Program) - An international camping experience for teens 17-19. Teens meet teens from other countries to learn leadership skills.
- States' 4‑H International Exchange Program - New Jersey 4‑H partners with States' 4‑H International Exchange Programs for 4‑H members aged 12-18. New Jersey youth do not have to be 4‑H members to participate. Participants gain global perspective while living with a host family for 4-8 weeks.
- Travel Bugs - a virtual S.T.E.P. club for youth 11-15 who learn about a different country each time they meet during the program.