Any 4-H member in grades 8-13 who receives a blue ribbon at their County 4-H Public Presentation event is invited to enter the State 4-H Public Presentations event. Participants in the contest can choose to participate in one of ttw ways: 1) In-person o 2) recorded video. All participants will receive a Danish ribbon and their score sheets at the conclusion of the contest. Best in Room Awards will be awarded. Registration must be completed by May 24, 2024.
Option 1: In-person Contest
Rutgers Academic Building at Rutgers University on Saturday, June 8 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Participants in this option will be split into classrooms with about 6-8 other presenters and two judges.
Option 2: Recorded Video Contest
Submission deadline for a presentation video is on Friday, June 7 at 11:59 p.m.
Recorded video presentations will be evaluated by a team of judges after submission, with participants receiving their Danish ribbon and score sheets after the conclusion of the judging period. Please review the Virtual Public Presentations Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (PDF) for more information about the process. Simply prepare your presentation as usual, practice (practice, practice) and then record your presentation. You don't need special video equipment—you can video your presentation using a smart phone. Recorded presentations should be uploaded to YouTube (as an unlisted file, see the directions in the Virtual Public Presentations FAQs. Presenters will submit their video link here. If you run into technology issues or if you have any questions, please email nj4h@njaes.rutgers.edu. We are happy to help!
All participants must register for State Public Presentations in 4HOnline. Registrations must be completed by Friday, May 24, 2024. Instructions on how to register are available here (PDF).