The New Jersey 4-H Program is looking to connect with former 4-H members, volunteers and staff. We are looking for all 4-H alumni who grew up in New Jersey or who live in New Jersey as well as former 4-H volunteers or staff. We invite you to complete the 4-H Alumni & Friends Survey and share how your 4-H experiences have impacted your life. After you complete the survey, tell a 4-H friend or family member. Help us CONNECT with 4-H alumni so we can SHARE what is happening with 4-H in New Jersey.
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4‑H Alumni Day in the Life

The history of 4-H is one of the most significant and far-reaching stories in America: a story of youth education, community pride and responsibility, personal leadership, and volunteerism. Truly unique-born at the grassroots level and involving special public-private partnerships at the local, state and national levels—it represents the very essence of America's growth.
Over a century since it began, 4-H continues to thrive and expand today as one of America's foremost youth development initiatives. While constantly continuing to change in support of the evolving needs of young people today, most of the original concepts and philosophies—the proven strengths—remain unchanged. There is no better guide toward our future than to learn from and build upon our past. The primary purpose of this 4-H History Preservation website is to provide a central resource on 4-H history, particularly at the national level.
For more information visit the website at