The NJ 4-H Goat Extravaganza is a statewide event for members, parents, and volunteers in the goat project. The day's activities include a mixed-county team poster-presentation contest, eight-station skill-a-thon, team quiz bowl contest, goat-themed art show, ice cream social, and awards ceremony. There will also be a morning workshop for the adult participants.
NJ 4-H Goat Extravaganza 20th Anniversary
To celebrate our 20th anniversary, each youth participant will receive a special 20th anniversary t-shirt (free); we’ll have a fun 20-goat scavenger hunt with prizes; and several alumni will join us for the day!
Also new this year, we’ll collect non-perishable food, socks, mittens/gloves, and warm hats. Please consider bringing items to donate - thank you!